Dry Air and Your Health

Effects of Dry Air on Your Health

During the frigid cold spell of 2021 we all are dealing with problems created by dry air or specifically low relative humidity. According to an article on the “healthline” website there are eight (8) ways dry air can effect your health. They include: respiratory issues, sore throat, eye irritation, nose bleeds, dry skin, increased stress, dehydration, and infection. The article continues with how to do some prevention.

“If the indoor air where you live or work is unusually dry, here are several steps you can take to help protect yourself:

  • Use a humidifier to moisten the air.
  • Take shorter, cooler showers.
  • Moisturize your skin while you’re still damp from showering or bathing.
  • Use a hydrating nasal spritz or irrigate your nasal passages with netipot
  • Use lip balm to prevent dry, cracked lips.
  • Stay well hydrated with plenty of water all year long. “

In addition to health issues dry air can have a significant affect on your home. This list come from website Molekule.

  • Damage to hardwood floors: Dry air can cause hardwood floors to dry out, become warped and start to separate.
  • Shifting door and window frames: Wooden door and window frames can shrink and become warped when exposed to dry air. This can make it difficult to open and shut the windows and doors in your home.
  • Wall damage: No matter what treatment you have on your walls, they can be severely affected by dry air exposure. When the relative humidity in your home is too low, it can make paint bubble and crack, wallpaper peel, and even cause gaps between the walls and the ceiling.

Dry air can also cause damage to wooden furniture, musical instruments, books and art. Another downside to dry air in the home is the buildup of static electricity. It may not cause lasting damage, but it can definitely be annoying and even painful.

During this long frigid cold spell in February of 2021 it is most important to raise the humidity level in your home through use of a whole home humidifier or use of room size humidifiers. The ideal relative humidity is a range between 30% and 70% with 45% being the best. The added humidity will make you feel warmer and do a fair amount to prevent health issues. Your local home improvement stores have a selection of humidifiers .

If you are operating a whole home humidifier it would not be uncommon to have to fill the humidifier with water every morning since the furnace runs often. You can add an anti bacterial solution to the water to prevent the growth of bacteria in the water.